Beautiful white kitchen Interior

Upcoming White kitchen Design for 2014

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

12 Decorating Tips to Give Your Rooms a New Look (Part 3)

Wilson Fink Kitchens and Interiors has always tried its best to proffer best designing and storage solutions to people. Thus, it anticipates that the first two parts of ‘12 Decorating Tips to Give Your Rooms a New Look’ have enabled you to create a best look for your space. So you could take pride in showing your accommodation to friends and family members. However, if you are still in need of some more striking ideas to décor your accommodation...

Thursday, 10 July 2014

12 Decorating Tips to Give Your Rooms a New Look (Part 2)

In the first part we at Wilson Fink Kitchens and Interiors tipped you how you can give your rooms a new look by following some rough codes. Like selecting right paint, avoiding overcrowding the space and hanging the paintings at the right height. Now in this piece we will let you know which other things a homeowner should bear in mind while decorating their rooms. 4. How to Place Furniture on a Rug If you have placed your furniture in the right...

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

12 Decorating Tips to Give Your Rooms a New Look (Part 1)

Generally it is believed that interior decorators perhaps follow a secret book of rules to decorate a space, but in reality there are no hard and fast rules to design a place. The reason behind it is that human beings are creative types, as they like to explore new things, love to follow their dreams and intuitions. Nevertheless, this does not mean that there are no rules at all, as interior designers do follow some rough codes when they décor...