Wednesday 9 July 2014

12 Decorating Tips to Give Your Rooms a New Look (Part 1)

Generally it is believed that interior decorators perhaps follow a secret book of rules to decorate a space, but in reality there are no hard and fast rules to design a place. The reason behind it is that human beings are creative types, as they like to explore new things, love to follow their dreams and intuitions. Nevertheless, this does not mean that there are no rules at all, as interior designers do follow some rough codes when they décor a place.
These rough codes are followed because they enable them to achieve good results every time. Rough codes are actually few tried and tested things that have always worked for the designers. It is not too difficult for anyone to master them, as you can use them right away. Below Wilson Fink Kitchen and Interiors has listed few decorating tips for your home.That will work more as foundation course for you in order to develop your own rule-breaking and creative instinct.

1. Pick the Right Paint
It is often observed that when people move from one home to another they usually want to use the same paint colour on its walls that they had used in their previous house. This approach does not work every time for people because the light sources are different in each house. Also, there are thousands of shades, tones and tints of a paint colours and each one of them looks different in different homes. Thus, it is quite possible that what looks good in the previous house may not look great in the new home. Therefore, when selecting a paint colour it is important that you must keep the material, fabric, artwork, rug and other things of the room in your mind too.

2. Avoid Overcrowding a Room
While placing furniture in your room one must bear in mind that they should avoid overcrowding the space because gracious living means having enough space to move easily. There is no need to fill a room with extra furniture. In fact, it’s best to utilize the same amount to buy few but high quality and good looking pieces for the space. In this way, you will not only be able to enough space to manoeuvre easily, but fine pieces of furniture will give your room a new look as well

3. Hang Paintings at Right Height
Artwork or paintings always look great when they are hanged at the right height. Museums and art galleries pays great attention to this fact because average eye level of human beings is 57 inches. Thus, they hang each painting at a height of 57 to 60 inches from the ground, so homeowners should also do the same.
However, sometimes people hang paintings little higher in a room where the roof soar, but remember artwork needs to be hanged at human scale and not according to the structure’s scale. If you are not sure about the scale then take a picture of your room. The picture will reveal whether you need a small or tall painting for the room.


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